Possible Little Hollywood Definitions

Little Hollywood is:

1. neither little nor hollywood. we have a big, big heart of the purest gold gleaned from the foothills of the german alps and we are in no way affiliated with anything remotely related to steven speilberg other than our strange fondness for Jaws 3 in 3D.

2. a place where people go to meet other people. it's about good times and fancy clothes. we like to dance and we like to cook meat in the back yard. in the winter, we play board games. one year, we were snowed in for 3 months and had the time of our lives eating twinkies, watching sesame street, and having lots of sex.

3. a music co-op for musicians who love to eat. carl is a fish man. he eats lox soup and salmon and eggs. chad enjoys tater tots. senayit is all about greens: limes, sour apple candy, green donuts, green beer. if you have any questions about chocolate, phil is your man. he wears chocolate underwear and everything he signs his name to has brown smears on it. sandman loves all things starch. he's constantly bloated from ingesting raw grains and washing them down with lard. jeff takes great pleasure in dairy. butter bowls and yogurt waffles are daily consumed. seth is mister snack food. hard pretzels, chips and dip, ho-ho's, ha-ha's, ring-dings, sling-dongs. camo digs up on condiments. give him a plate of ketchup and a spoonfull of tartar sauce along with a cup o' steak sauce, and he's a happy, happy man. like to eat? little hollywood is for you!

4. hip, wry and on the sly. down to our ups in cool, blue pie. we don't exclude

- jeff

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